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Family Movie Night

Calling all movie goers for our new weekly family movie nights! Taking place from now until we are able to get back to our usual routines. *Watch from home and note that all movies will be rated PG for families to watch together.*

Netflix has a new feature due to coronavirus called "Netflix Party," where viewers can simultaneously watch a chosen movie and text in a chat box on the screen throughout the movie! At 7pm, make sure you are ready, 7:05pm, the movie will start!

Don't have Netflix? No problem because they have a 30 day free trial for you!
Get your free trial:

There are two versions of movie night. Pick the one that works for you below.

*If you are using Netflix Party:*
1. RSVP by contacting us through our contact page or our Facebook page.

2. Accessible only by computer. Click on this link to download the extension to your Google Chrome. Takes 2 min:
3. Click the movie link that will be sent to you one hour before the movie start time.
3. Click the “NP” at the top of your computer to join the movie stream in real time and talk to everyone in the chat box!

*To watch on your TV:*
1. RSVP by contacting us through our contact page or our Facebook page.

2. Find the movie on your Netflix account by 7pm
2. Pause the movie at 0:00
3. We will do a countdown in a special Facebook group chat, at 3,2,1, press play on your own. Countdown will happen at 7:05pm. Talk to everyone in the group chat during the movie!

April 8

Brunch Hour

April 14

Activity Night (Kids&Teens Edition)